What Must The ‘fork Roast’ Be Spiced With Before Skewering And Roasting?

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Question 1

a)     What must the ‘fork roast’ be spiced with before skewering and roasting? (Vocabulary- spike (verb); definition: Spice).

b)    Give an example of a proof that the author consider iconographical (Vocabulary- evidence (noun); definition: proof).

c)     The writer notes that the debate over who created kebab can be impassioned, but hints at an existence of a pun at her usage of the word, explain the pun (vocabulary- heated (adjective); definition: impassioned).

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Essays Stock (2024). What must the ‘fork roast’ be spiced with before skewering and roasting?. Essays Stock. https://essays-stock.com/example/what-must-the-fork-roast-be-spiced-with-before-skewering-and-roasting

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