Theory Application

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The existing variants of development theories find different applications depending on the situation. Attachment theory, however, is one of the most common and widely applicable theories that define the course of development from childhood to adulthood. Its particular suitability is the fact that it covers the entire course of development without imposing an age limit on its applicability. According to Mercer (2006) the theoretical model seeks to describe the tenets of both short-term and long-term human interpersonal relationships. It is important to note, however, that this theory is not to be regarded as a one-size-fits all model of interpersonal relationships; rather, a model for determining the nature of human response in the face of such situations as separation from loved ones, when hurt or in the perception of a threat. In fact, it is this kind of narrowness and focus that makes this theory even more suitable for the following discussion as will be apparent in the sections below. Fundamentally, all infants and children become attached or develop a relationship with their primary caregiver; whether a parent, or a guardian. Even so, individual differences feature in the quality and level of these relationships. The important tenet of this theory that will shape the discussion is the claim that children have to get attached to at least one primary caregiver for them to properly develop emotionally and socially, and learn how to manage their feelings (Mercer, 2006). Correspondingly, any other person who is capable of providing them with the requisite social interaction and child care become an instrumental person of i9nfluence in their lives, level of blood relations notwithstanding. Failure by the caregiver to be responsive or sensitive in their social interaction with the child are detrimental to the development of the child. In particular, the fact that the child cannot exit such relationships mean that they will have to adopt their mechanisms of survival and management in such relationships. The level of sensitivity of the primary caregiver determines whether the attachment will be secure, anxious-ambivalent, anxious-avoidant, or disorganized- elements that will also form part of this discussion.

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