The Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick

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The Narrative of the Life of Frederick


Frederick Douglass is one of the renowned American writers. His autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, received accolades throughout North America and beyond. Published in 1845, seven years before Frederick Douglass liberated himself from slavery, the book was an instant success. The narrative begins with the sketchy information that the author can recollect from his birth in Tuckahoe, Maryland. However, Douglass (1) admits that he is not cognizant of either the whereabouts of his father, or his age. He was alienated from his family before he could actually recognize them as his family. Such early separation from family was pertinent to the slaveholders since their major aim was to keep their slaves ignorant (Douglass 1). As a child, working in Colonel Lloyd’s plantation, he is made to endure harrowing sights of whippings of other slaves regardless of gender or age, but adds that his story is not different from that of the others (26). From age seven through to age fifteen, Frederick Douglass moves from one location to the other under different slaveholders but ends back at Colonel Lloyd’s plantation, but under a different master, Hugh’s brother. The author fails, however, to provide sufficient details appertaining to his eventual escape for fear that it might help the slaveholders plan effective means of thwarting escape plans of other slaves. Following his escape, Douglas ends the narrative when he has resettled in New Bedford, Massachusetts, married and changed his name (117). While the theme of slavery and the quest for freedom dominates the narrative, education and religion also stand out. Nonetheless, the following discussion will examine Frederick Douglass’ position on education. In this respect, he insinuates that ignorance is an instrument of slavery, and knowledge is the sole way to freedom. (For the next work find me on this document, click on ‘file’ up there, see ‘author’, and message me directly, I will give you a discount. Remove this part before you hand in your paper.)  

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