Literature review
Research objective 1
Previous studies have identified significant difference in tourism activities preferences based on gender. In one study conducted in Sweden, it was found out that men generally preferred tourism activities such as hiking, camping and rock climbing more than females (Kling et al., 2018). In yet another study conducted by Lin, (2014). The gender difference in tourism activities as reported. In their study, Lin, (2014) found out that women preferred cultural events, shopping and visiting sandy beaches more than men. The study also reported that men also preferred to engage in thrilling seeking activities such as skiing, mount adventure, Bungy jump and diving (Lin, 2014). In their study Omar et al., (2015) Also find the existence of genders similarity and differences in tourism activities. In their study, (Omar et al., 2015) found out that while tourism activities such as sandy beach, exploring local cuisine and visiting world heritage sites were common to all genders, females preferred cultural performance and shopping activities more than male. In yet another study, Meng & Uysal, (2008) it was reported that men preferred tourism activities that involve action and adventures while females travel for cultural and shopping experience. Even though the previous study shows gender differences exist in tourism preference based on genders, none of the previous study focuses on age cohort groups. It is thus evident that more research is needed to determine generation Z travel preference in relation to the type of tourism activities preferred by males and females. Thus the first research objectives of this study is to determine the relationship between genders and tourism activities preferences for males and females among the generation Z tourists.
Research objective 1: To determine if there is any difference between males and females’ preferences of tourism activities among the generation Z tourists.
H1: tourisms activities that involves action and adventures e.g. Power boating or 4-wheel driving are more important to male than female tourists
H2: tourisms activities that involves cultural experience e.g. learning about others culture is more important to female than to male tourists