How To Inspire Employee Engagement In Times Of High Uncertainty

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How to Inspire Employee Engagement in Times of High Uncertainty


The current business environment is constantly changing and organizations must correspondingly adjust and adapt to the changes if they are to survive. The incessant changes are replete with episodes of uncertainty that may deal a blow to the wellbeing and the subsequent performance of the workforce. As a result, it is important that leaders craft effective ways to lead the employees during such times, in a manner that aligns their focus with the mission and visions of the organization. Employees are undoubtedly the primary asset in an organization (Jorge & van Dierendonck 2014). In an endeavor to keep the employees engaged during such times, it is critical to gain a profound comprehension of uncertainty and the causes, which will then result into a one-size-fits-all plan to lead the employees through these tough times in an organization. Uncertainty describes dearth of information with respect to the amount of information required for task completion versus the available information. In simpler terms, times of uncertainties are those that the workforce does not know for sure which direction to take concerning a particular situation. The definition reveals four primary sources of uncertainty namely lack of understanding of available information, incomplete information than what is required to complete a task, and undifferentiated yet seemingly feasible choices. Times of uncertainty is caused by both external and internal environmental factors in an organization. Hackett (2015), for example, failure by suppliers to provide requisite information on forecasted late deliveries may cause uncertainty. Unprecedented system failures during urgent tasks may also cause anxiety and lead to uncertainty among the personnel. Internal causes of uncertainty may include lack of raw materials or ineffective technology.

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Inspiring employee engagement during times of uncertainty

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