According to Raina (2010), managers spend between 60 to 80 percent of their workday time communicating. This clearly shows that communication is important part of managers’ day work. In their study, Kalogiannidis & Papaevangelou (2020), suggested that managers must constantly communicate with the employees to improve effectiveness of the business communication. They seem to suggest that the more time manager spend on communicating to employees and other important stakeholders clarifying issues, motivating them, collaborating etc. would increase the effectiveness of business communication. In this essay, it will be argued that, the effectiveness of a management does not depend on the amount of time spend communication but on the way they communicate i.e. their behaviors and decisions
The behavior of management during business communication greatly influence how effective the communication will be and hence the positive impact on their performance. In their study, Odine (2015), found out that businesses communication was critical to effectiveness management of organization but the overall effectiveness of their business communication process was determine by the behaviors of the message sender. Behavior such as lying, ignoring to admit mistakes were found to have negative impact on the effectiveness of the business communication process. Equally, in yet another study conducted by Ekeowa (2016), it was found out that business communication guaranteed organization success but largely depended on communication pattern and how receptive and accessible managers are to subordinate. Again this clearly shows that the conduct of managers during the communication process influence the effectiveness of the entire business communication process.
The communication decision made by managers also influence the effectiveness of the business communication. in their study, Odine, (2015), noted that business communication affected effectiveness of management in an organization but that largely depended on choices of communication methods and the extent to which they consider the message receivers in their communication process. in their study, Munjal (2014), also found out that even though business communication influence management choices such as selection of the right channel of communication and right technology as critical to effective business management. Shrivastava & Prasad (2019) argues that individuals’ choices made during business communication such as the complexity of language used, the tone they used, the method of communication chosen determined the overall effectiveness of the business communication.
In conclusion, it has been demonstrated in this paper that effectiveness of business communication in an organization does not depend on the amount of time spend by manager communicating but on the managers’ behaviors and communication choices. Management behaviors such as their attitude, being receptive and accessible to subordinate, lying and ignoring mistakes all affected how effective the business communication is the organization. Equally, the communication choices made by managers such as language used, tone used, method of communication used, channel used, the extent to which they consider receiver of message during communication etc. determine how effective the business communication in the organization would be.
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