Poetry Assignment

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Poetry Paper Assignment

Choose Topic A OR Topic B

Topic A: “Birches” by Frost (128) and “Spring and All” by Williams (337)

Compare and contrast these two poems in terms of the speaker’s depiction of nature.

  • What imagery does each speaker use to characterize nature? How does the poem’s theme connect to the way the speaker discusses examples from the natural world?
  • How would you describe each speaker's tone toward this imagery and, in turn, nature itself? What quotes can you find to support your interpretation of tone?
  • What connection does each speaker make between nature and human life?

Topic B: “The Gift” by Lee (208) and “My Papa’s Waltz” by Roethke (269)

Compare and contrast these two poems in terms of the speaker’s relationship with his father.

  • Look for quotes from each poem that reveal information about the poem's speaker. For instance, about how old is the speaker when the action of the poem takes place? Is he the same age then as he is when he writes the poem? (In other words, is the speaker speaking in “real time,” or does the speaker recall these events by memory?)
  • How would you describe each speaker's tone toward his father? What quotes from the poem guide you toward this interpretation? Analyze both the actions that the speaker describes, as well as the imagery the speaker provides.
  • What is your interpretation of the theme of each poem? In other words, what message does each speaker communicate through his poem?


  1. Whether you choose Topic A or Topic B, your paper must directly quote from both poems to earn a passing grade.
  2. As you revise your draft, remember that a writer who analyzes literature should always assume that his or her audience has carefully read the literature. Do not use plot summary to begin your paper; include only the plot details that illustrate your discussion and assume that your reader does not expect you to mention every plot detail. Your reader looks forward to reading your unique interpretation of the text, not a written regurgitation of the basic action. See our Canvas page “An Explanation of Summary and Analysis” for more specifics.

Special MLA Formatting for this Paper

  • See our Canvas page "Poetry Quotation Instructions" for instructions on MLA format for quoting poetry to ensure that you earn a passing grade.
  • You will be discussing two poems, so be sure to include the author’s last name in your parenthetical citations.

Format Instructions

  • Accepted file types: .doc, .docx, and .rtf
  • Length: 3-4 typed, 12-point font, double-spaced pages in MLA format. This means that the paper must be at least 3 full pages long, and should not exceed 4 full pages in length (not counting your Works Cited page). A paper that does not meet the length requirement will not receive a passing grade.
  • First Page Information: In the upper-left corner of the first page, double-space the following information: your name and the name of the assignment. On the next line, center your paper’s unique title that alludes to your topic and grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Works Cited page: Your paper must include an MLA formatted Works Cited page with a separate citation for each text you quote or paraphrase in your paper. A paper without a Works Cited page will not receive a passing grade. Use your source for MLA format guidelines to correctly cite the sources from your research. For information on formatting your Works Cited page, see the Canvas page in our class titled "Works Cited Page Instructions."
  • Parenthetical Citations: with each quote or paraphrase, you must include an MLA style parenthetical citation that identifies the source the quote or paraphrase came from. A paper that does not contain parenthetical citations will not receive a passing grade. For information on formatting your parenthetical citations, see the Canvas page in our class titled "Poetry Quotation Instructions."
  • Due dates: Your papers are due no later than the due dates listed in the syllabus. I do not accept late papers. If you feel you have an exception, contact me.
  • Grading: Your Poetry Paper is worth 100 points. I will grade these papers according to the English 1B Novel Paper Rubric, which follows the general Grading Description in our syllabus.
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