Narrative Analysis

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Choose one of the following questions and write a concise essay up to 3000 words. The essay has to have an original title and Works Cited. It is to be uploaded as a single file (not pdf).

  1. Discuss the interaction between chronotope and character in a short story of your choice (not discussed in class) and how this interaction shapes our understanding of the message of the text.You have to provide all the relevant information about the story (author, title, date of publication and so on).
  2. Explain the following quote and provide your own example from a literary text not discussed in class. You have to provide relevant information about the text (author, date, genre and so on). You may also refer to more than one text: “Story was defined above as the narrated events and participants in abstraction from the text. As such, it is part of a larger construct, referred to by some as the “reconstructed” (or “represented”) world (or “level”)” (ShlomithRimmon-Kenan).
  3. Explain the difference between denotation and connotation with regard to the visual image and provide two examples (examples may be paintings,stills from a movie, ads or anything else). Please append the images you are discussing to your file.
  4. Discuss the concept of transmedia narrative and provide an example. Explain how the meaning of the story is impacted by transition from one medium to another.
  5. Discuss how the fictional world of a video game differs from the fictional world of a literary text and a movie. Provide at least one example (with all the relevant information about the game).
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