1. This assignment should include cover page and Plagiarism Statement. Please refer to Appendices.
2. Please take note that plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not one’s own, without acknowledgement of the source.
Therefore, plagiarism is considered an act of academic fraudulence and an offence.
3. NO MARKS will be awarded if student is found to have plagiarized.
4. The assignment must be able to demonstrate critical analysis, application of both theory and practical issues to the subject.
5. The assignment must be typed using 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman font size of 12 point. A minimum of 1000 word limit but not exceed 1500 in length
The purpose of this assignment is to develop learner’s ability to identify the key competencies and skills needed to be an effective manager.
The rise and fall of organisation depend on how well they are managed. Good management includes the elements of planning, organising, leading and controlling.
Choose one organisation that you are interested to work with. How four management functions of POLC successfully applied in the organisation? Discuss each managerial function by providing in-depth explanation and specific examples you have found to support your discussion.
You should include table of content, introduction, references and conclusion in your writing. Bonus mark will be given to student who shows good application of different concepts that you have learnt throughout the module.
Rubric for Individual/Group Assignment
Criteria 4 -Very Good 3- Satisfactory 2– Developing
/Needs Improvement 1/0 – Weak
/Unsatisfactory Mark Obtained
Focus: Purpose Purpose is clear Shows awareness of purpose Shows limited awareness of purpose No awareness
Main idea Clearly presents a main idea and supports it throughout the paper. There is a main idea supported throughout most of the paper. Vague sense of a main idea, weakly supported throughout the paper. No main idea
Organization: Overall & Word Count Well-planned and well-thought out. Includes title, introduction, statement of main idea, transitions and conclusion. Word count plus or minus 10%. Good overall organization, includes the main organizational tools. Word count plus or minus 15%. There is a sense of organization, although some of the organizational tools are used weakly or missing. Word count plus or minus 20%. No sense of organization. Word count plus or minus 25%.
Organization: Paragraphs All paragraphs have clear ideas, are supported with examples and have smooth transitions. Most paragraphs have clear ideas, are supported with some examples and have transitions. Some paragraphs have clear ideas, support from examples may be missing and transitions are weak. Para. lack clear ideas
Content Exceptionally well-presented and argued; ideas are detailed, well-developed, supported with specific evidence & facts, as well as examples and specific details. Well-presented and argued; ideas are detailed, developed and supported with evidence and details, mostly specific. Content is sound and solid; ideas are present but not particularly developed or supported; some evidence, but usually of a generalized nature. Content is not sound
Knowledge in subject matter
Excellent ability to evaluate and propose a course of action Good ability to evaluate and propose a course of action Fair ability to evaluate and propose a course of action Poor ability to evaluate and propose a course of action
Style: Sentence structure Sentences are clear and varied in pattern, from simple to complex, with excellent use of punctuation. Sentences are clear but may lack variation; a few may be awkward and there may be a few punctuation errors. Sentences are generally clear but may have awkward structure or unclear content; there may be patterns of punctuation errors. Sentences aren’t clear
Style: Word choice, Tone There is clear use of a personal and unique style of writing, suited to audience and purpose; the paper holds the reader’s interest with ease. There is an attempt at a personal style but style of writing may be awkward or unsuited to audience and purpose; the reader may lose interest in some sections of the paper. There is little attempt at style; reads as flat and perhaps uninteresting in content, which is usually generalized and clichéd. No attempt at style
Style: Details and Examples Large amounts of specific examples and detailed descriptions. Some use of specific examples and detailed descriptions. May have extended examples that go on for too long. Little use of specific examples and details; mostly generalized examples and little description. No use of examples
Grammar & Mechanics Excellent grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation. A few errors in grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation, but not many. Shows a pattern of errors in spelling, grammar, syntax and/or punctuation. Could also be a sign of lack of proof-reading. Continuous errors