DM941 Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma
Task Working in groups, typically consisting of four to five, you will be asked to produce a critical literature review (report) and presentation on the area of Lean Six Sigma and other related management concept (topics for investigation will be specified by the class lecturer). This will involve searching, gathering and studying the areas of work and developing a coherent summary covering all the main issues and recent developments in the area. The findings from your study are to be presented in a report and a PowerPoint presentation. The report should; x discuss the concept of Lean and Six Sigma in the context of the topic selected identifying recent developments in the field; x Compare and contrast the concept under investigation to determine if there are any synergies or discords, e.g. what are the key stages involved, issues, approaches, and solutions? x Identify relevant tools and techniques that might support implementation. You could refer to the tools contained in the DMAIC toolkit but we would prefer it if teams could focus on additional techniques not covered in class found through your research. (Justification for selection is essential) x Provide practical examples of application within an organisational context; In order to carry out this task it is expected that you will have to review industry cases studies, journal papers and conference papers, as well as text books. Each group is to submit a literature review report of the topic area which is to be: • No more than 5000 to 6000 total word count, • Font size of 11 pts, single spacing • References in Harvard style; i.e. Name (Year) The output of the investigation will be a literature review in the area of Lean Six Sigma and one of the following topics: x Lean Six Sigma in the Public Sector x Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education x Lean Six Sigma in the Health Sector x Lean Six Sigma in Design x Lean Six Sigma in Retail x Lean Six Sigma in Hospitality x Lean Six Sigma in Project Management Page 2 The PowerPoint presentation should provide a summary of the information contained within the report. Guidelines for the presentations will be provided closer to the date. Please note that all information sources must be clearly referenced. Any unreferenced report or presentation content obtained directly from another source will be considered to breach the University’s regulations regarding plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly. To this end students are asked to include the following statement in the front page of the assignment. “I declare that this submission is entirely my own original work. I declare that, except where fully reference direct quotations have been included, no aspect of this submission has been copied from any other source. I declare that all other works cited in this submission have been appropriately referenced. I understand that any act of Academic Dishonesty such as plagiarism or collusion may result in the non-award of my degree.” Signature…………. Date……………….. Submission The report is to be submitted electronically in pdf format by 12 pm, Monday Week 10 at noon through Myplace. A late penalty of 5% deduction per day (5% of the total value of the class) will be applied to all reports and presentations submitted after the deadline, unless a medical certificate or other acceptable evidence is provided. Presentations will take place in week 11 during lecture time and this should also be submitted to Myplace at least one day before presentation day. Further details of the session will be released closer to the date through Myplace. Assessment A total of 65% of the overall class mark will be awarded for this assignment. The report is worth 60% and the presentation is worth 5%. Both the report and the presentation will be marked out of 100 as followw