Leadership And Management In Nursing

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Leadership and management in Nursing image
This assignment should be presented in essay format, with a clear introduction and conclusion. You should avoid use of the 1st and 2nd person and use an appropriately formal academic style, avoiding contractions (e.g., don’t, won’t, etc.) and informal or spoken forms of language. Essays do not typically use headings and sub-headings. Be sure not to identify any individual or organisation directly or by implication in your work (NMC, 2015). Equally, unless crucial to the argument and/or where the information is already in the public domain, refer to organisations only in the most general terms, e.g., an NHS trust. Page 1 of 3
This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:
1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management skills required to engage and reflect on the ever-changing delivery of health and social care. 2. Critically discuss the benefits and challenges of interprofessional collaborative practice. 3. Critically evaluate the role of self in relational leadership and problem solving when engaging with multi- professional teams, service users, carers, families and significant others. 4. Critically appraise the contribution of different approaches that inform interprofessional and multi-agency working.
Summative Assignment
Summative: Your essay should include: Your attached case study as an appendix to your final summative assignment; this will help you to direct the learning outcomes and to demonstrate the impact of literature within your assignment. The case study is not reflective, as indicated in the formative outline on Blackboard. An example case study template is provided as guidance and can be found in the assignment brief shell. The identified practice-based activity should have occurred while you were working worked within a multidisciplinary/intra-professional setting. •
  • Use literature AND RESEARCH to demonstrate your critical ability and why the theory supports your academic findings
either positively or negatively.
  • Use selected areas of your case study to identify and demonstrate good or bad practice knowledge.
  • Outlining Patient centred care, family/carer, using literature, policies and research.
  • Within the summative assignment you should briefly outline of the case study to help you focus. Remember this is not a reflective assignment
The 3000 words will be used to demonstrate;
  • Provide general information about leadership and management (nursing), current policies, literature, research and practice context
  • Through the identify leadership and management theories/styles /models, and focus on your practice example...
  • Identify collaboration and interprofessional working and then focus on the links to your practice example
  • Provide information about impact of interprofessional working and MDT
  • Integrate relational leadership that is its effectiveness to create positive relationships- e.g. inclusiveness, empowerment and how this links to the theory and research discussed in relation to your content.
  • Apply your discussions to ‘self’- as a student as a qualified nurse, what do your conclusions means for your future practice.
The structure of the assignment is dependent on you, how to progress your arguments, the content, the literature and the title is selected by you.
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  • The assignment should also discuss how the elements above contribute to patient-centred care.
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Essays Stock (2023). Leadership and management in Nursing. Essays Stock. https://essays-stock.com/blog/leadership-and-management-in-nursing

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