- Explain how principle of support are applied to ensure individuals are care for in health and social care practice
In order to ensure the needs of service users are met, there are several principles that guide professional in health and social care as they deliver the services. These principles include; Respect for individuality, diversity, choice, rights, privacy, independence and dignity.
Promoting users rights is another important principles of support that staffs must apply in their work. Clients in health and social care services have several rights which include confidentiality, privacy, dignity, access to information among others. Staffs working as health or social care practitioner must promote this rights (Cuthbert and Quallington 2008). In some instance, Staffs in Fleetwood care home failed to promote residents rights. For instance, residents with mental problem were denied their right to make their own decision even when it was necessary. To ensure staffs apply this principle in their practice, the management of Fleetwood care home need to educate staffs especially on matter relating to patient rights.
Protecting individual from abuse is one of the Principe of support in health and social care. Residents in care home are vulnerable and as such they at risk of harms. Staffs therefore need to protect (Cuthbert and Quallington 2008). In Fleetwood care home, residents are not properly protected as there are a numbers of loopholes that expose them to danger of abuse and harm For instance, there is no separation of male and female in mental health units putting female at risk of physical and sexual abuse from men. For better protection of residents the care home will need to conduct risks assessment and use the information gathered to seal all loophole that can lead to residents harm.
Providing individualised care is a principle of support designed to ensure care is customized to meet the needs of each patients. This principle therefore required residents are involved in planning, executing and evaluating the care plan (Cuthbert and Quallington 2008). In Fleetwood care home, staffs failed to apply this principle in their practices, For instance, residents were not consulted or involved in planning and executing their care. To ensure application of this principle, Fleetwood care home’s staffs will need to be instructed and trained on how to involved residents care planning executing and implementing.
- Outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm
Every healthcare worker as well as care organization has the duty of protecting patients from harm. In Fleetwood home, there are number of cases where the care home has failed to put in measure to protect patients from Harms. For instance, there are allegations that some staffs were mistreating elderly residents. Also wrong cases of wrong dosage or overdose were also reported in the care home. In such a case, the manager needs to intervene to ensure staffs are conducting their work in way that put residents’ safety first. He needs to create awareness among staffs for the need to protect the patients form harm. Equally, manager needs to develop safety policies to promote safe practices in the care home. On top of that, it is important for the manager to arrange for employees training especially in SOVA (safeguarding of vulnerable adult) in order to improve and promote safe practices in the care home. Also, as highlighted by Jones and Atwal (2009), it is necessary for managers to conducts periodic check on the worker to ensure they are engaging in safe practices. The residents also need to be given a platform for reporting any case of harm or abuse to the manager (NHS Highland (2007).
Analyse the benefit of following a person-centred approach with users of health and social care services Currently, the person-centred approach guides the delivery of services in entire health and social care in UK. This model emphasis more on patient needs rather that need of services (NICE 2011). Dally et al (2010) define, person-centred as an approach that put persons, their experiences, preferences, wellbeing, need and feeling at the centre of the caring process. The model has several benefits in the caring process. First, they allow service users to have greater control in their life by giving them the chance to make choice in regard to services and care they needs (Dowling et al 2006). Secondly, it helps create a friendly environment that allows care organization to reach individuals from diverse background. Thirdly, it leads to effective outcome since the needs of individuals are placed at the centre of care. And finally, it lead to improve service user satisfaction with services since it goes beyond to consider their feeling, preference and needs during the entire caring process (Edward 2002). It is very unfortunate that Fleetwood hall care home has not adopted a person-centred approach in delivery of it services. For instance, CQC (2016) found out that residences or their families in Fleetwood hall care home were never involved in developing and reviewing care plan. The Care home is therefore not enjoying the benefits discussed above. In order to generally improve it services and increase customer satisfaction with services, it will need to shift from professional-centred approach where care worker make decision on their own to person-centred approach.
1.4 Explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of health and social care services. In some cases, Professional in health and social care experiences ethical dilemma while offering support and care. Ethical dilemma occur when a professional has to chose between two or more morally acceptable option, but the choice they make may be ethical and unethical at the same time(Murray 2010). For instance, in the case scenario provided, caring and supporting Mrs Z can lead to ethical dilemma. This is because it well knows that she has a history of starting fire as she love the bright colour of the flame. On the other side, she is mobile and takes time to walk outside the care home. As a result, the Psychiatric has instructed the care home staffs to carry routine search on her whenever she returns from unsupervised walk. This situation creates an ethical dilemma for staffs since the searches they conduct on her are intrusion of her privacy. However, the staffs also have duty to protect themselves, Mrs. Z and other patients from any possible harm and as such it become necessary to search her to ensure she is free of any fire lighter.
2.1 explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in Fleetwood hall care home Implementation of Care standard Act 2000 Under this Act, it is the duty of the manager to develop systems to ensure and monitor quality of services provided to residents. For services to be regarded as of high quality, they need to be safe, effective, caring, and responsive to residents needs. Therefore, In Fleetwood care home, care standard Act 2000 can be adhered to by ensure services are safe, the manager needs to arrange for staffs training especially on how to handle patients and infection prevention and management. Equally, they need to conduct risks assessment and also develop risk management systems. Furthermore, Fleetwood need to adopts a policy for assessing, investigation, reporting and managing risks
On top of that, Fleetwood care home will need to monitor the behaviour of it staffs to ensure they are caring and does not put patients at any risks.
Finally, in fleet wood care home, a framework or systems for assessing and monitoring residents needs should be adopted. This system is required to ensure the service provided is in responsive to patients needs. In addition, the residents need to be involved in the caring planning so that their needs are well understood and incorporated in the care plan.
2.2 Explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in Fleet wood care home in accordance with national and policy requirements As mentioned above, the manager in Fleetwood hall care home need to guide the development of internal policy and procedure to ensure national health Policies, legislation, regulations and code of practices are well implemented in the care home. Developing these internal policies and procedure requires the managers to conduct a thorough investigation to identify and understand all the national and policy requirements that directly affects operation in Fleetwood hall care home. It is also important if such information is also passed to the worker as it will help them align their behaviour to the requirement of laws, regulation and code of practices.
Once that is done, the managers should consult and involves the staffs at Fleetwood hall care home in the process of developing the internal policy and procedures. Involves staffs in the process is important as it not only help them feel valued but also make them feel parts of the process hence more commitment to their implementation (Mainey 2003).
Documentation of the policies should then take place to ensure formal record is kept. Furthermore, staffs needs to be educated and empowered toward their implementation
2.3 evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice on organisational policy and practice Policy, legislations, regulation and code of practices have direct impact on organization policy and practices. First, they would help shape Fleetwood hall home internal policies in the right direction. Care Organization internal policies must be developed in a way that confirm to the requirement of these legislations, regulation and code of practice. This help Fleetwood care home to provide the right guidance to it staffs as far as compliance with legal and professional requirement is concerned (Walsh 2011).
Secondly, they affect how organization delivery it services. Care organization that implements the requirement of the relevant legislations, code of practice, policies and regulation not only find itself in the safe side of the laws, but also experiences improve quality of services (Walsh 2011). For instance, If Fleetwood care home was to fully implement the requirement of legislation such as health and social care act 2012; it can significantly improve the quality of caring process. This would lead to improve customer satisfaction and effective outcome.
3.1 explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice The health and social care practices in UK is to large extent based on strong theoretical foundation. Specifically, the UK health and social care practices is based to a greater extent on humanistic theory, behavioural theory and social learning theory.
Humanistic theory emphasizes on taking individuals as whole person and embracing their uniqueness (McLeod 2007). In health care context, humanistic approach emphasis on respecting the individuality of servicers’ user, protecting their dignity, choice and rights when supporting or providing care to them (Morrison and Bennett 2009).
On the other hand, Behavioural theory emphasis on observing the direct effect of external context and events on individual’s behaviour (Marks et al 2006). In health and social care context behaviour theory has been largely utilized to help understand behaviour and to meet the needs of people with mental health problem (Morrison and Bennett 2009). It is however been used in other case.
3.2 analyse how social processes impact on users of health and social care services Social process is a term used to describe the characteristic mode of social interaction Merriam- Webster dictionary 2016). It is basically concerned with how individual interact in social context. In health and social care, social process influences services in various ways. For instance, the ways professional in health and social care work interact with their patients/service user, affects the self image, self confidence and esteem of individuals (Adams 2007). Take Fleetwood hall care home for Example. In this care home, Staffs has not been respecting the individuality of residences nor promoting some of their rights to choice, and privacy. This may lead to low self-esteem among residences resulting to rebellious behaviour.
Social process also affects the entire environment in which care and support is provided. For instance, if the social process between care staffs and service used is based on honesty, trust and respect, a positive environment is created that encourages service user to share relevant and personal information with staffs for effective service delivery (Jones and Atwal, 2009). Equally, it is due to social process that there is a bad relationship between staffs and residences in Fleetwood hall care home. Therefore, to improve the interaction between staffs and residences in the care home, the social process has to be improved. Staffs has to be trained how to involve service user, respect them, communicate positively with them, and promote their right.
3.3 evaluate the effectiveness of inter-professional working Inter-professional working is slowly becoming the norm of service delivery in health and social care in UK. It refers to process in which different professional group work together to delivery health or social care service (Zwarenstein et al 2009). So far, the evidences available has revealed existence of positive as well as negative outcome of this model as used within health and social care context. To start with the positive outcomes, Inter-professional working model has lead to improvement in patient care such as drug use, reduced hospital stay, reduced readmission and reduced hospital charges (Zwarenstein et al 2009). In addition, Inter-professional working brings together competences, experiences and judgement of various professional leading to more creative and innovative ways of delivering care and support to individuals.
On the negative side of it, Inter-professional working relationship has been facilitating Professional rivalry. Some professionals view themselves as superior than others. This creates a professional rivalry between various groups and eventually led to uncoordinated service delivery (Heinemann et al 2009).
Despite the negative side of it, inter-professional working is largely effective in improves patient care and as such Fleetwood hall care home stand to benefit by embracing it. More benefit can even be realized form this model by addressing the few factors affecting it effectiveness.
4.1 explain own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working with those within and outside the health and social care workplace As a manager, working with other either within or outside the health and social care organization is inevitable. As pointed out by Gray et al (2010), it is the work of manager in care organization to ensure things are working well internally and to connect the organization to the outside world. For instance, in the Fleetwood hall care home, as manager, one must work with staffs as well as those outside the care home such as financier; Government agencies etc to ensure all shortcomings are addressed. Some of the role and responsibilities to play in this case may include
- Providing direction, guidance and instruction to staffs
- Leading the development and implementation of internal policies, strategies and procedures for service improvement
- Liaising with financier to avail fund for service improvement
- Liaising with government agencies to ensure necessary support such as licensing and any other support is provided
- Working closely with CQC commission to inspect and for licensing purpose
4.2 evaluate own contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy To address the shortcoming identified by CQC, Fleetwood hall care home will need to develop policy to guide staffs in their works. In this entire process, manager’s inputs are imperative. Lack of managers’ support and direction in development and implementation of organization policy can lead to the failure of the process (Gray et al 2010). Therefore, the success of development and implementation of policy in Fleetwood hall care home to address the identified shortcoming depend on manager contribution. As managers, there are several contributions I would make to ensure policies are well developed and implemented. First, as pointed out by Cambridge Training and Development (2000), managers should lead the policy development excises by identifying areas of services delivery in which policy are needed. These would ensure only priority and relevant areas are covered by the policy. It would help eliminate unnecessary policy. Secondly, I would commit myself fully to the process as well as provided staffs with the relevant support. This is because evidences have shown that lack of commitment and support from management is one of the key barriers to successful implementation of policy in health and social care organizations (Gray et al 2010).
4.3 make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements To meet good practices in health and social care, training and continuous professional development are important (McDonnell and Zutshi 2006). It is only through training and continuous professional development that an individual can be able to acquire and keep their skills, knowledge and abilities up to date with the changing trend in health and social care. Therefore, as managers of Fleetwood hall care home, my own development would be based on training and continuous professional development. I would ensure I undergo relevant training to keep my skills up to date while at the same time, develop and implement a continuous professional development program to ensure I acquires the relevant skills, knowledge and abilities that would allows me to advance in my career as well as contributing immensely to Fleetwood hall care home for improvement of services.
Conclusion Health and social care plays a very important role in our society. It is therefore important for individuals aiming to work in this sector to understand the Principles of support as used in health and social care, the impacts legislation, code of practices and policy has on caring process, the theories that form the foundation of caring process as well as be able to make major contribution toward improvement of services.