Abstract Despite evidence showing health and financial risk associated with Obesity, the prevalence of obesity in UK as noted by (HSCIC, 2014), Continues to increase. The aim of this research is to examine the situation in the whole of UK, identify what initiative is being taken to curb the rising prevalence and to evaluate their effectiveness in tackling obesity. 1.0 Introduction According to HSCIC (2013), UK is among the top countries in the world with the highest obesity prevalence. The prevalence rate has been steadily increasing from 1992 to date (national obesity forum).These trend is expected to continue due to factor such as risky lifestyle adopted by UK citizens. According to a foresight report in 2007, it is estimated that half of the UK population will be obese by 2050. Scientific evidence has show that obesity has poses some health risk not only to individual but also to the public health. According to world health organization (2003), obesity has continued to increase the burden of disease worldwide. As noted by DH (2011), being obese raises the risk of an individual of getting health problem such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cancer, reproductive problems among others. 1.1 Rationale Obesity as noted by National Obesity Forum (2014), not only poses health risk but also financial challenges. Despite this understanding, obesity prevalence has continued to increasing at an alarming rate. These are a clear indication that something is wrong in our understanding of the condition as well as how we chose to respond to the risk posed by it. These is what has informed me to carry on this study to collect and synthesis more information that will enhance our understanding of the obesity situation and the effectiveness of the measure used to respond to the risks posed by it 1.2 Aim of the study The aim of this study is to examine the obesity situation in United Kingdom, identify and evaluate effectiveness of the initiatives being undertaken by government, organizations and individual to curb the rising case of obesity in UK. 1.3 Specific objectives of the study • To understand the situation of obesity in UK
• To identify policies and initiatives being undertaken by government, organization and individuals in curbing obesity
• To evaluate effectiveness of those policies and initiatives in curbing obesity 1.4 Research question The proposed research aim at answering the following question;
What are the initiatives being undertaken to curb the increasing prevalence of Obesity and how effective are they? 1.5 The purpose of this study The main purpose of this study is to provide published information that will help the health care professional and policy maker understand the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the various initiative being undertake to curb the increasing cases of obesity in United Kingdom. This will help in harnessing the efforts being put in place to fight obesity by providing published information about what initiative are working and which is not working 2.0 Literature review2.1 Introduction This chapter present finding of the previous studies as well as the available data from government sources on obesity. 2.2 Obesity situation in UK According to the Sedghi (2014), obesity in UK has grown tremendously over the last three decade like it has never happen before. According to a global recent study published in the lancet medical Journal by Marie, Fleming and Robinson et al (2014), obesity in UK is the third highest in Europe. The study revealed that 67 percent of male and 57 percent of female in UK are either overweight or obese. It also showed that more than quarter of children was obese or overweight with Girls taking the lead at 29 percent and boys at 26 percent. This study was a systematic review which relied heavily on self-reported data. The finding is therefore likely to be affected or influenced by biasness. However, it provides very useful and comparable data that help understand the situation of obesity in UK when compared to other countries.
According to another studies published in the European journal of clinical nutrition, 50 percent of British population is overweight while 38 percent are obese. Among those obese 17 percent are men and 21. It found out that obesity was the most highest in the Britain. The study also found out that around 400,000 deaths in the wide British recorded per year we attributed to overweight or obesity. This was a longitudinal study that was conducted in the 161 facilities in the wider Britain. Although it does help us understand the obesity in UK and the wide UK, the researcher error in his methodology. A small sample size was used for a study that claims to cover a wide geographical area. 2.3 Strategies and initiative being taken by individuals to prevent or deal with obesity Review of studies has revealed that, there are three strategies being used by individuals to prevent and deal with obesity. This strategies are found be to influenced a lot by professional opinion, advices and recommendation. They include engaging in physical exercises, healthy eating and behavior changes (Aeth and Marshall 2013, Taylor, Heath, et al 2011, Taylor, McAuley et al 2006)
There are several studies conducted to evaluate effectiveness of these strategies and intervention. In a literature review conducted by Aeth and Marshall (2013), the family focused strategies in deal with obesity which included physical exercises and dietary monitoring, it was found out that this strategies result to no changes in adiposity (reduction of fat in the body). The other concluded that physical exercises and health diet was an effective ways of reduce excess fats in obese people. This study is however limited by the facts that it was based purely on secondary data that was done in one region. Similar conclusion was reached by a study conducted Taylor, McAuley et al (2006) where only an insignificant change in weight was recorded as a result of healthy eating. However, the study by Taylor, McAuley et al (2006) showed that, when physical exercises are combined with dietary monitory significant result was recorded. This study was however conducted in children and the researcher ignored the effect development change has on children weights. As evidence has shown, as individual grow, they loss some weights in their process but regain it later in live depending n the prevailing circumstances (Showell 2013)
Another study that aimed to assess the effectiveness of reduced screen time for children in reducing their weight found out that no changes was recorded as a result of watching less TV (Schmidt et al. (2012)
. Chapter 3: Research methodology3.0 introduction This section of the proposal discusses the research design, data collection method and data analysis and interpretation method I intend to use in my study. 3.1 Research method The research method to be used in this study will be a combination literature review and descriptive study. According to Hart (1999), Literature review refers to systematic collection of written material with the aim of understanding the topic under investigation. Literature review was chosen for this study due to its capability to provide wide range of reliable information within a short period of time and at a reduced cost. 3.2 data collection method Data /information will collected from online databases including MEDLINE, Pub MED, social care online, Trip, AMED, CINAHL and web of science. Information in these database will searched using the following keyword ; Obesity in UK , prevalence of obesity in UK., prevention of obesity In UK, obesity policy In UK, measures to curb obesity in UK, Initiative to curb obesity in UK. Primary data will be collected randomly from adult (over 18) in London. The study targets a total of 100 adults. The choice of this method was greatly influenced by the need to collects comprehensive and reliable data. Secondary source of data was chosen due to its ability to provide rich content given limited time and financial resources. On the other hand primary method was chosen due to its flexibility in collecting fast-hand information that is not influenced by researcher opinion or biasness 3.3 Data analysis and interpretation Data collected will be analyzed systematical and will be presented both quantitatively and qualitatively using figures, table, images, screenshot and bar graphs. Software such as SSPS may be used if the need arise, to analyze the information collected. 3.4 Limitation of the study There are several factors that have potential of limiting the reliability of this study. First of all, the time frame allowed for this study by my institution does not allow for extensive data gathering and analysis. Generalization of research findings might therefore be negatively affected. Secondly, as noted by Burne (1990), any research /study involve some financial cost. The estimated financial cost to be incurred in this study is far beyond my ability. 3.5 Solution to limitation To overcome the first limitation mentioned above, I will be very strategic in data collection and analyses. All effort will be made to collect as much article, journal and other publication as possible. I will first of all read through the abstract of the collected article and journal to identify what is to be included in the study and what to ignore. This will save me time as compared to reading through all the text before deciding on which information to include or exclude from the study.
To overcome the financial limitation, I will borrow extra cash from my friend as well as family may also approach my bank for a small personal loan if the need arise. 3.6 Ethical issue As noted by BPS (2007), it is equally important to observe ethic standards even when collecting information from online sources as will be the case with this study. Research standard in social science as set by research ethical committee will thus be followed. No identifying information such as name, residents or contacts of anybody will be collected and used in the report. Information gathered will be treated with confidence and used for the purpose of which they were collected .i.e. academic purpose.
.3.7 Research timeframe
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