Evidence-based human resource management
According to Rousseau and Barends (2011) evidence-based HRM refer to the decision making process that combine critical thinking with scientific evidences and available business information. Defined different by Briner (2015), evidence-based HRM is a set of related approaches aimed at increasing the use of scientific evidence in HR practice. From the definitions above, it is clear that evidence-based HRM means the use of scientific evidences in the human resource manage practice. Why is Evidence-based HRM important? Well, it is well known that when the decision making process is guided by scientific evidence, the quality of decision made improves and there is also very limited room for errors (Briner, Evidence-Based Human Resource Management, 2007). Therefore, evidence-based HRM not only help improves the quality of decision made by HR practitioners but it also lead to improved effectiveness of HR practices which in turn improves the wellness of an entire organization. Human Resources play a crucial role in helping organization pursue their strategic goals. However, the HR practitioners must be able to convince the top leadership about the strategic value HR adds to an organization in order to get their full support. Therefore, when preparing his presentation to the top Leadership about the strategic value of human resource, Israel must put a very strong case for HR practice. There are two main sources of information that can help him do so. These include the article by KokeMuller (2016) titled ‘How Does HR Add Value to an Organization? And the article by Hults (2011) titled ‘Why HR Really Does Add Value’. The articles by KokeMuller (2016) clearly shows how Human resource management added strategic value to organization through Performance management, legal protection especially against suit relating to discrimination, wrongful termination and safety at workplace. This particular article can help Israel communicate and convenience his boss on the strategic value human resources management adds especially on improving organization performance, legal protection and more important the input it provide in strategic planning process. For instance, one of the major objectives of CERA is to grow. Through this article, Israel can be able to demonstrate to CERA executive team the strategic roles HR play(such as Manpower planning, redesigning of job, staffs training and development etc ) to facilitate that grow. The article by Hults (2011) demonstrates how HR adds strategic value such as effectiveness and efficiency in organization through HR process such as Job redesigning, organization redesigning, and competency model development. In general term the article by Hults (2011) communicates how HR process contributes to the achievement of strategic goals of the organization. Through this article, Israel can put a strong presentation in place that would help CERA executive team understanding how HR adds strategic value such as efficiency and effectiveness to an organization. When writing any piece of paper or preparing for a presentation, it is important to ensure the sources cited are appropriate. In this section of the paper, the two sources of information which this paper recommended to Israel for his use when preparing the presentation to his boss will be evaluated to ensure they appropriate for his case. The CRAP test will be used for this evaluation. CRAP is a test that examines the currency, relevancy, authority and purpose of the sources.
As stated by Mercer University (2016), the sources of information used in a paper or presentation must be recent enough for the topic being discussed and presented. Are the two sources recommended to Israel recent for his topic of presentation? Absolutely yes. The first article by KokeMullers was written in 2016 which mean it has captured the development of strategic Human resource up to date. On the other hand, the article by Hults was written in 2011 and to be honest the human resource management practice has not experience so much change since then. Therefore, both the article are very recent in natures and both of them has captured the latest practices within the field of human resource management thus make them appropriate for his presentation
It is obvious that the source of information cited in any work need to be relevant to the topic of discussion. But how do determine whether as source is relevant or not? According to Mercer University (2016) evaluating how much information in that source applies to one’s topic is important. The best and relevant sources are those that contribute as much i9nformation as possible to one’s work. Secondly it is also crucial to evaluate whether the information in those sources are balance or biased, general or detail. Source that provide detailed and balanced information are more relevant. Are the source recommended to Israel relevant. Well, both of the articles talk about the strategic value of Human resource management in an organization. Therefore, much of the information contain therein can be used by Israel to prepare his presentation. The articles are also very detail and specific making them relevant to Israel topic of presentation
Another important factor to consider when choosing sources for inclusion in your work is the credibility of the author. Is the author reliable and knowledgeable about the topic discussed? Only information whose authors is credible and knowledgeable about the topic should be used (Mercer University 2016). In regard to the two articles recommended to earlier, their authors are not only knowledgeable but also credible. Hults, the author of the second article is a HR practitioner with over 10 years of experience in the field. His has also written a number of articles which are published by a reputable publisher i.e. Harvard Business review. On the other hand KokeMuller ,the author of the first article, recommended to Israel has been a writer for a reputable publishing website known as Chron which is well known for producing quality article relevant to small business. Therefore, both the sources recommended to Israel have that authority element for a credible source.
Finally, one should look at the purpose for which the source was written. Did the author have vested interest? Is the information intended to persuade, entertain or educate? Well in regard to the two, the author did not have any vested interest other than educating people running organization about the strategic value of human resources management.
Top management are concerned about the value every business function add to their organization. In order to ensure the Human resource function adds the greatest value to an organization, evidenced- based practice is a must. Evidence based practice ensure that scientific evidence is incorporated in the decision making process thus leading to well informed decision. Evidenced based- human resource management usually add a number of strategic value to an organization including improved effectiveness and efficient. However, evidence that is used must be carefully selected. Only those evidence which are relevant, recent, from credible source should be used. It is only through careful selection of evidences that quality decision can be made.
Briner, R. (2007). Evidence-Based Human Resource Management. iesOpinion , 1-5.
Briner, R. (2015). evidence-based human resource management. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. 5:1–3. , 1–3.
Mercer University. (2015, 07 08). Evaluating Sources - Use the C.R.A.P. Test! Retrieved 03 17, 2017, from https://libraries.mercer.edu/research-tools-help/citation-tools-help/evaluating-sources
Rousseau, D. M., & Barends, E. G. (2011). Becoming an evidence-based HR practitioner. Human resource management Journal , 221-235.