Assignment Purpose - To provide you with an opportunity to explore and think more deeply about a specific topic/issue in the sub-discipline of Addictions.
- To help integrate your understanding of theories and perspectives in the field of addictions.
Possible Topics Your topic/issue will connect to one of the chapters in our course textbook. If you are unsure of a topic, feel free to discuss with Dr. Zangeneh to explore ideas and options.
Specifics Steps/Criteria - You will first decide on a topic/issuethat you would like to explore, using the course textbook to assist you.
2. Taking your topic/issue, you will then develop a specific research question, which will allow you to better understand your topic and answer any questions you may have. This question will serve as the backbone of your paper. The references you use and the points you make should always, at a certain level, connect back to it. At the end of this handout is a list of sample research questions that you may find useful for developing your own question. As well, Emily Tufts is always available to assist with selecting and honing a topic/research question.
3. With your topic/question in hand, you will useminimum of 6scholarlysources.
Structure of the Assignment Cover Page– title of the paper, your name and student #, date, course title and code, Dr. Zangeneh’s full name.
Introduction– An introduction of the topic and overview of the paper. First, state/describe the topic and how it fits into the sub-discipline of Addiction Psychology (1 paragraph). Then, state your question and how the paper to follow is structured/will answer it. For example, “In the following essay, I will specifically examine the question of “x” …” “I will begin by … and then I will …” (1 paragraph)
= 2 paragraphs/1 page
Rationale– A journal-type reflection in which you discuss your rationale/interest in selecting your topic. (2 paragraphs =1 page)
Body– An exploration of your topic/question, making reference to both the course textbook as well as your 6 other sources. Incorporating subsections (with subtitles in bold font) will help you organize your points and ideas. (8 pages)
Conclusion– A summary of the major points addressed in the paper’s body. For example, “In the preceding essay, I first outlined … after which I then discussed …” (1 paragraph). Next, a discussion of the most striking thing you learned in writing the paper and how it has contributed to your self-understanding and growth as a diversity-competent practitioner. For example, “Having now completed my paper and the course itself, the most striking thing I discovered was … , and the way that I will incorporate this learning into my work will be … ” (1 paragraph)
= 2 paragraphs/1 page