Assessment 4 – Self-evaluation

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Assessment 4 – Self-evaluation image
Important Note: *To meet the requirements of this assessment you will need to access your workplace, or have access to a workplace that will assist you. Preferably your workplace will be in the community services sector. In all tasks requiring a workplace, or contact with a colleague, your response must include the role of your contact person, the name of the organisation, time and place of meeting/contact, and any other relevant information. *If you are completing this section in simulation follow the ‘AboutSimulation’ instructions.   Part A You will be required to reflect on your values, beliefs and behaviours by completing a self-evaluation and then seek feedback from others toimprove your effectiveness in the workplace.   Open the Self-evaluation Form and make four additional copies for the feedback of others. Advise your workplace supervisor* and/or colleagues/peers* you are completing the self-evaluation and show them your form when you have filled it in.
  1. Have a conversation with each of your colleagues about the ratings you gave yourself and reflect on your values, beliefs and behaviour in the workplace. Complete the following items:
  1. Identify fivewords that typify your core values
  2. Beside each value describe as honestly as possible how that value is demonstrated by you in your workplace.
iii. A client or colleague may not share your values. For each of your values, provide an example of how this could lead to conflict, obstruction or a reduction in your effectiveness.  
  1. Reflect on your self-evaluation and develop threestatements that typify your core beliefs? Beside each statement describe as honestly as possible how you think that belief affects your approach to work and overall effectiveness.
  1. Reflect on your self-evaluation and identify threebehaviours in your practice that you believe typify how you work. For each behavior provide two examples that demonstrate your behaviour in action.
  1. Now ask at least twoof your colleagues (supervisors or co-workers)to complete their own appraisal of your performance in the workplace using the second column on the form. Have a frank conversation with each of your colleagues about the ratings they gave you and complete the following items:
  1. After you your frank discussions, how did you feel? Discuss (Up to 50 words)
  (For example, did you feel comfortable/uncomfortable, invaded, criticized, vulnerable, really happy, relieved or some other feeling?)  
  1. Whether or not you felt good or not so good after receiving the feedback, identify and discuss any common threads you received from your two colleagues in the feedback. (Up to 50 words)
  1. You have now completed a series of frank exchanges with colleagues and have used a process and method for seeking evaluative feedback in a two-way exchange. On reflection, discuss how effective you believe the experience was in developing your professional performance. (Up to 60 words)
  1. Conduct research and outline another method used in the workplace to provide evaluative feedback. In your answer describe the processes used with the method. (Up to 80 words)
  1. You are now required to actively seek feedback from botha client you deal with at work, and also another workplace contact you deal with regularly. For instance, a supplier, someone from another organisation, a colleague from another organisation that you frequently contact, etc. Ask both parties to complete the second column on the Self-Assessment Form. Reflect on the ratings they gave you and complete the following item:
  1. Were the ratings you received different to those received from your colleagues? Why do you think they differed/stayed thesame? Discuss (Up to 80 words)
  Part B Every individual learns differently and theories have developed which assist us in identifying our own learning style and the style of others - such as clients and colleagues. Based on this knowledge we are better equipped to understand ourselves and others. Both the VAK Learning Styles Test and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Test (which areprovided), were freely located on the internet. You may find this website useful for researching both theories. The address is:  
  1. Conduct research on the VAK Learning Styles theory.
  1. Complete the VAK Learning Styles Test
  2. Provide a brief summary of the VAK Learning Styles theory. (Up to 60 words)
iii. Summarise your test results and provide two examples of how you demonstrate your VAK characteristics in the workplace. (Up to 80 words)  
  1. Conduct research on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory.
  1. Complete the Multiple Intelligences Test
  2. Provide a brief summary of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory. (Up to 60 words)
iii. Summarise your results and provide two examples of how you demonstrate your multiple intelligences in the workplace. (Up to 80 words  
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