This paper provides an assessment on how principles of care are implemented in health and social care practice to ensure the needs of the user are met. It also provides an assessment of the impacts of policy, legislation and code of practices on organization practices and local policies. In addition, it also provides an explanation of theory that underpinned the health and social care practices. Finally, the paper explain how individuals can improves their own contribution toward development of organization policy
1.1 Explain how principle of support are applied to ensure individuals are care for in health and social care practice
The health and social care practitioner must at all time be guided by the principles of supports of when offering care to service users. According to Skill for care (2015), these principles are partnership, choice, and independences, respect and dignity, Individuality and privacy. Respect- It is expected that every health and social workers will respect the person they are caring for. This is because, the behaviours of workers towards the service user affect how they users feel, perceived and believe about themselves. Treating them with respect improves their self-esteem, confidences and self worth hence improved wellbeing. Dignity- Every service users regardless of their health and wellbeing condition has the same rights just like everybody else. They therefore need to be treated just like human being. The principle of dignity means that regardless of their condition, service user must never be treated in an inhuman way. Independence- Majority of service users are at high risk of being subjected to other people’ decisions and plans. The principles of independences mean that healthcare practitioners should never impose any decision on services user. Instead, they should empower them so that they can make their own decision and have greater control over their life. Choice- the principles of choice means that, the preferences of service user must at all time be taken into account when planning for their care. Their choice must always be respected and services should be provided according to them. Privacy- Every human being needs privacy. Therefore, Health and social care workers are required ensure they give people they care enough space and time to conducts their private things. Individuality- every individual is very unique. Health and social care workers are required to recognize this uniqueness when offering support to individuals. They should understand that each individual has their own preference, dislike and like strength and weakness.
1.2 Outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm
All clients, patients and vistors in health and social care organizations must be protected from harm, abuses and injuries. Protecting them is statutory requirement that must be met by all care providers. Therefore ABC care home is in breach of laws by failing to provide safety to it residences that are frequently abused and harmed by the staffs. ABC care home therefore needs to adopt a procedure for protecting it customers, their families and visitors to fulfil it moral, professional and legal obligation. The adopted policy should identify and define various potential risks for harm and abuse. Some of the common abuses and harm include physical attack, sexual abuse, social abuses and emotional abuses (Bailey1998, DH n.d). The policy should then identify areas where the abuses are likely to happen. It then needs to provide measure for mitigating the abuses. As HSE (2015) note Risks of abuses and harms cannot be eliminated but can be managed so that they do not have severe effect on victims. The procedure should therefore provide the guideline for management of risks. It should provide practice step for reporting, handling and responding to suspected abuses and harm cases. Finally the procedure should promote privacy and confidentiality of patients while investigating, handling and responding to cases of abuses and harm (DH n.d).
1.3Analyse the benefit of following a person-centred approach with users of health and social care services
Person-centred approach is a term used to refer to various strategies and action that are meant to help users of health and social care services to take control and plan for their future (Dowling et al 2006). It is set of principle s and values that health and social workers must abide by that are meant to improves Service users Knowledge, skills and ability so that they can make well informed choice and decision about their health and wellbeing (health foundation 2014). Person-centred approach has several advantages in health and social care practice. According to health foundation (2014), service users that are well skilled, knowledgeable and have the ability to manage their health, tend to have very positive health behaviours hence improved overall health outcome. The approach is therefore a sure way of improving people health in ABC care home. In addition, service users who are given the opportunity and supports to make decision for their care are more satisfied with the care offered to them. The approach can therefore help ABC care home to address and eliminate the numbers of complaints from service user and their family regarding poor service. According to Dowling et al (2006), person centred approach also benefit health and social care workers too. The more the workers engage with service users and as their health outcome improve, the more the staffs’ performance and morale also improves. The approach can therefore not only help improve quality of Care at ABC care home but also staff performances and motivation.
1.4 Explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of health and social care services.
It is expect that health and social workers should at all time act in ethical manner when offering care to users of services. This mean that they should do what is rights as defined by principles and legislation at all time. However, in some cases, the worker may be required to make a decision between two morally right courses of action, but any of the choices has the possibility of being interpreted otherwise. Such scenario is referred to as ethical dilemma (Giannou 2009). These kinds of scenario are very common in health and social care practices. For example, Sometime workers may needs to choose between an individual’s safety and their independences. For instance, in provision of care to a mentally ill person with wandering behaviour, the social worker is required to offer safety precaution as well as promote independence of the person. However ethical dilemma may arise as the workers try to provide all these requirements. It would be a nice safety precautionary measure to prevent such person from leaving the home at odd hours such as evening or night. However, doing so may be seen as failure by the workers to promote patients autonomous. In the given case scenario, there are several cases of ethical dilemma faced by the workers in ABC care home. In Mrs Y case, when transporting her from bed to sitting room, straps are used to prevent her from falling. However, she has been against their use. The social worker involved in her care is thus under ethical dilemma on whether to obey her choice of care or to carry on with his duty of providing safety to patient. Failure to use strap can amount to neglect in his duty, while continuing use can amount to failure to obey patient choices.
2.1 explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in health and social care
Policy refers to a principle of action proposed by government, organization or Business (University of Sydney 2015). In health and social care setting most of the policies are development by the department of health and other national agencies for health but also care organizations are at liberty to develop their own organization policies. Legislation refers to laws that are developed by the parliament (oxford dictionary 2015). Once adopted legislation are abiding all party involved. There are several legislations that are relevant to health and social care practices. Some of them include health and social care practices 2012, data protection act 1998, equality act 2010, human rights acts 2008 among others. Codes of practices are set of principles meant to guide the behaviours and conducts of health and social workers as well as care organizations. The manager should ensure the requirement of all policies; legislations and codes of practice are implemented in their organization. They should make sure the staffs have better understanding of these requirements and are well equipped to implement them (Walsh and Mitchell 2011). The situation in ABC care home shows a case of non-compliance with the policies, legislation and codes of conducts. For instance, patients are not protected as required by health and social care act 2012, health and safety act 1974. Staff does not respect and uphold dignity and does not promote choices and independences as required by NHS constitution, Code of conducts for social workers etc. Therefore, as the newly appointed managers for ABC care home, I would ensure all these requirements are implemented these would be done through four steps Identification of relevant policies, legislation and code of practice- A thorough research would be done to ensure all relevant policies; legislation and code of practices are identified. Communication- Their requirement would then be communicated to staffs in the simplest form to ensure staffs have proper understanding. Staff training would be done to ensure they have the required skills for their implementation. Supporting worker – health and social care workers are most important people in implementation of policies, legislation and code of practices requirement. The managers should therefore ensure they are provided with the right support to ensure smooth implementation. They should be motivates too. Monitoring and Evaluation – as the mangers I would monitor the implementation process to ensure they are o track. The implementation process should then be assessed after a specified period to measure the outcome.
2.2 Explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national and policy requirements
For provision of effective and quality services in ABC care home, Local policies and procedures will be required. While developing such policy it is vital the national and policy requirement are incorporated in them. These require the managers to read and understand all of the national and policy requirements so that they can be integrated into local policies and procedure. Once the national and policy requirement are fully understood, they are turn into organization requirement through policies and procedure so that staffs can understand and implement them properly (Nolan 2011b).
2.3 evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, and codes of practice on organisational policy and practice
Policy, legislations, regulations and code of practices are important shaper of health and social care practices in UK. They have help staffs and care organizations to shift from a mass services provision to a more person-centred approach. This has been crucial in improving the quality of care offered to service users (Nolan 2011B). In additional, they have help improve the interaction between service users and services. Currently, health and social workers and organization are required to interact and conduct their business in a ways the respect servicer users, safeguard them, involves them in planning and decision making and promote their choice and autonomous. Such practices have led to improved health outcome and satisfaction with care offered (Dowling et al 2006). The legislation, policy regulation and code of conducts do however come with some requirement. For proper compliances with them organization are required to implement changes from time to time due to amendment, and introduction of new requirement through them. This might be costly for organization. Also, staffs training are must in order for them to understand and be able to implement their requirements (Nolan 2011b).
3.1 explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice
There are various theories that are widely used in health and social care practices. Some of these theories include Behavioural theory, psychodynamic approaches and humanistic theories. Behavioural theory shows how people behaviour defines their action. It also tries to explain how people behaviours are formed. This theory is used in health and social care practices in formation of health behaviour among service users as long term measure to improve their health outcome. It is very essential in changing unhealthy behaviour such as smoking and alcohol consumption (Teater 2010) Psychodynamic theory explains how people personalities are formed and how they affect their live. It assumes that people personality and behaviour s are formed by unconscious forces in our environment especially during childhood. It goes ahead to argues that they we children are treated by their parent or guardian affects their adulthood behaviour and personality. This theory is of vital use in health and social care practices as it help practitioners get the roots causes of problems such as alcoholism, emotional issues among others (Borden 2009).
3.2 analyse how social processes impact on users of health and social care services
Social process can be defines as the process of interaction and establishment of relationship (Business dictionary 2015). Social process is very vital in health and social care as it has direct impact on service users. The interaction between service user and health and social workers is the greatest determiner of whether patient needs and expectation will be met. Social process that is characterised by superiority and dominance of professional, lead to unsatisfied clients and also increases the changes of not understanding and meeting the Needs of service users (Laver and Lancaster 2010). Such kind of social process exists in ABC care home. Staffs used unlawful or excessive forces on service user and sometime are dishonesty. This resulted to abuses, unsatisfied customers and poor relationship between patients and workers. Over the recent past, Person-centred approach has been promoted through various policies. It has lead to a social process in healthcare that is based on respect and dignity, independences and choice of services user. By interacting with service user in a ways the respect them, uphold their dignity, comply with their choices and promote independences, Health and social workers are able to establish relationship with customer that lead to collaborative working resulting to better understanding of their needs and meeting their expectation (Dowling et al 2006). ABC care home should therefore promote a person-centred approach throughout the organization so as to encourage a social process that will lead to establishment of proper relationship between users of services and workers.
3.3 evaluate the effectiveness of inter-professional working
Inter- professional working has become so common in UK today. Thanks to the recent health policies and legislations. It refers to a collaborative working between different professionals or professional agencies. People with diverse professional background are brought and work together for the purposes of delivering comprehensive care to individuals (Barret and sellman 2005). This approach of delivering care has lead to significant improvement of quality of care. Studies have shown that the approaches lead to more innovate ways of delivering care, Improves professional relationship with others and help in improving health outcome (Schofield and Amodeo1999). A study by Devine et al (1999) found out that inter-professional working help reduces hospital readmission by up to 80 percent. The formation of good inter-professional working is however challenging. A big number of inter-professional team or working arrangement failure to thrive and achieve their goals due to several barriers which include professional conflicts, lack of resources and poor leadership (Barret and sellman 2005)
4.1 explain own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working with those within and outside the health and social care workplace
The Quality of services delivered by an organization depends on the leadership provided. It is thus upon the management of every health and social care providers to ensure all issues that hinder provision of quality services are addressed (Nolan 2011a). As the newly appointed manager of ABC care home, i recognize that provision of quality services depend on how well I play my role, responsibilities and accountability in addressing all the failing as was identified by CQC. These roles would include driving changes for the improvement of services. This would require that I identify system, policies and procedure areas where changes was most required; provide Guideline and leadership for their development and support works to implement them.
4.2 evaluate own contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy.
In order to address the failing at ABC care home, it would be necessary to development policies to guide decision making and action of staffs. As the newly appointed managers of ABC care home my contribution toward development and implementation of these policies would be very paramount. Among the roles a managers is expected to play in policy development and implementation include identification and prioritization of policy development areas, providing change leadership, helping staffs understand the policies and guiding them toward implementation (Aboriginal medical and research council n.d). My contribution would therefore be to investigate and identify all areas that need to be covered in the policy development. Some of the policy areas Necessary in ABC care home include reporting Harm and abuses, safeguarding patients, handling of complaints, managing quality among others area. Once policy development areas have been identified, I would then consult and involves all stakeholders in development of the policy. Some of the stakeholders that would be involved include CQC, CCQ, community, patients, and staffs among others. After developing the policies, I would also work with staffs to ensure they understand the policy clearly and have the right skill to implement them. I would also guide and supervise them to ensure policies are implemented as required.
4.3 make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements
Every health and social care worker should continuous strive to improves their own contribution toward making provision of health and social care services more effective. I acknowledge the importance of being updated in term of what happening in the environment as the manager I would continuously keep on monitoring the changes in legislations, policies and practice in healthcare to ensure that I provide leadership that is relevant and help ABC care home meet all standards, legislation and policy requirement. By continuing receiving further training, an individual’s is able to sharpen their skills, knowledge and ability hence better contribution to their organization (Jones and Atwal, 2009). I would therefore ensure i utilise all the learning and development opportunity I have so that I can make major contribution to achieve good practise for self and for ABC care home.
The paper has assessed the practice of health and social practices. From the assessment it is evident that proper use of principle of support help in meeting the needs of services. Good practices also dictate compliances with requirement of laws, code of practices and policies and principles as provided by various theories.